I Tried TikTok For a Week- My Reaction

My First Impression- Could TikTok Be Used as a Marketing Tool?

 My first week on TikTok was very eye opening and interesting to say the least. Not only have I laughed out loud every time I opened the app, but I learned a lot about impression management on the app. 

First off, people post some of the funniest videos on TikTok that I have ever seen. Goofy things such as people pranking their significant other, and videos of animals being weird and having the most unique personalities. On the other hand I have seen some videos that I don’t really care for like teenagers doing dances, and looking for attention and a fanbase. These videos I don’t really care for because it doesn’t relate to me. These videos are the videos that I personally think are forms of impression management. These dances are a type of way for them to influence viewers through that video. One thing I question is how many times it took for the people in the dancing videos to get it right. I think it would be funnier to post the bloopers of them getting it wrong. 

One topic that I am surprised to see on TikTok is the amount of videos on clothing and beauty hauls. I love these videos because I tend to relate to them more and find good and interesting information in them. For example, Target has some really nice womens clothes and they just released their fall clothing line. I personally went and bought a sweater I saw a girl post in a haul. I also just bought a mascara I saw in a haul because it made the girls eyelashes look so long and perfect. 

With that being said, one large observation I have made is that businesses could begin to use this platform as a great marketing strategy. Like the sweater and mascara I bought, many brands could influence viewers to purchase their products. Another interesting way businesses would thrive is using TikTok influencers to highlight their products. It definitely could spark sales and have a great outcome. 

These different observations I have made over the week, have made me really interested to see what I find over the next few weeks, and if I can get the confidence to make my own video. I really think TikTok has some great uses and can be really fun.


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